Polygon Datasets Now Available on Google Cloud

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Polygon’s blockchain datasets can now be viewed through Google Cloud’s BigQuery tool.
The integration will provide useful metrics for analysis like the most active and popular tokens, contracts, and apps on the network.
The team said that the update will be critical for the network’s growth.

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Ethereum’s popular scaling network Polygon has announced that its blockchain datasets are now integrated with Google Cloud’s BigQuery tool.
Polygon Data Available on Google Cloud
Polygon’s datasets are now available in Google Cloud.
According to Polygon, the integration with Google Cloud’s BigQuery service will help analysts, data scientists, and developers derive useful insights from the Polygon blockchain. Polygon runs a scalable bridge network running parallel to Ethereum and functions like a “commit chain” that is both faster and much cheaper than Ethereum mainnet.
The data insights platform will help the network’s growth with decentralized applications, as well as its usage in the enterprise setting.
Google’s Cloud division has collaborated with key cryptocurrency projects like Chainlink and Theta Network in the past. Both projects leveraged Google Cloud for their computing needs.
BigQuery is one of the most popular data analytics platforms worldwide. It leverages the capabilities of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), the same infrastructure that powers products like Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube.
It is a simple yet powerful tool to query all kinds of datasets, including those pulled from public blockchains. After datasets are processed, the insights are organized using standard SQL syntax. According to Polygon, the tool functions as an “indexer” for both simple and complex queries used in on-chain analysis. For example, it can be used to run queries of several blockchains and track the activity associated with interoperable tokens.
Polygon Making Progress 
For Polygon, the integration will be useful for analyzing metrics like the most active and popular tokens, contracts, or apps on the network.

At the same time, the analytics tool may make it easier for anyone to monitor transactions, and help regulators to more effectively analyze the Polygon chain for illegal activities such as money laundering and tax evasion. However, that’s a common occurrence with all public blockchains.
The availability of Polygon’s blockchain data in BigQuery’s analytics platform is being provided under Google Cloud’s Public Datasets Program, under which the tech giant has made available more than 100 publicly available datasets from various industries.
Polygon has seen explosive growth in the last six months in terms of daily active users, transactions, and total value locked (TVL). The growth accelerated after major DeFi projects like Aave, SushiSwap, Curve, 1inch Network, and others decided to expand to Polygon, attracting plenty of Ethereum users and billions of dollars worth of liquidity.
The latest technical update follows the launch of the much anticipated Polygon SDK, a set of software modules that allow developers to deploy their own Polygon-based chains.

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