India Crypto Policy: RBI and SEBI Join Forces in Inter-Ministerial Group to Shape Future of Cryptocurrencies

In a significant move that could reshape the future of digital currencies in India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have joined an inter-ministerial group tasked with formulating a comprehensive crypto policy. This collaboration marks a potential turning point in India’s stance on cryptocurrencies, with a discussion paper outlining the government’s position expected to be released in the third quarter of 2024.

A Unified Approach

The formation of this inter-ministerial group signals a unified approach to tackling the complexities of cryptocurrency regulation. By bringing together the RBI, SEBI, and other key stakeholders, the Indian government aims to create a balanced framework that addresses the risks and opportunities associated with digital currencies.

The involvement of the RBI, the country’s central banking institution, and SEBI, the regulatory body for securities and commodity markets, highlights the importance of a coordinated effort. Both institutions have historically held cautious views on cryptocurrencies, often citing concerns over financial stability, consumer protection, and potential misuse for illicit activities. However, their collaboration in this group suggests a willingness to explore more nuanced regulatory approaches.

The Expected Discussion Paper

The anticipated discussion paper, scheduled for release in the third quarter of 2024, will provide a detailed outline of the government’s position on cryptocurrencies. This paper is expected to cover a range of topics, including:

  1. Regulatory Framework: Proposals for a regulatory structure that balances innovation with security and consumer protection.
  2. Taxation Policies: Guidelines on how cryptocurrencies will be taxed, ensuring clarity for investors and businesses.
  3. Legal Status: Clarification on the legal status of cryptocurrencies, addressing whether they will be recognized as legal tender or digital assets.
  4. Consumer Protection: Measures to protect consumers from fraud and ensure transparency in crypto transactions.
  5. Technological Infrastructure: Plans to support the development of blockchain technology and other related innovations.

Implications for the Crypto Industry

The collaboration between RBI and SEBI, along with other ministries, could herald a more favorable environment for cryptocurrencies in India. A comprehensive and clear policy framework would provide much-needed certainty for investors, businesses, and innovators in the crypto space.

For Investors: Clear guidelines and a supportive regulatory environment could boost investor confidence, potentially leading to increased investment in the crypto market.

For Businesses: Companies involved in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies would benefit from a defined regulatory landscape, facilitating innovation and growth.

For the Economy: A well-regulated crypto market could contribute to economic growth by attracting foreign investment and fostering technological advancements.

Challenges Ahead

While the formation of the inter-ministerial group is a positive step, several challenges remain. The diverse views within the government and regulatory bodies need to be reconciled to create a cohesive policy. Additionally, the global nature of cryptocurrencies requires international cooperation to address cross-border issues such as money laundering and fraud.

Public perception and understanding of cryptocurrencies also play a crucial role. Educating consumers and investors about the benefits and risks associated with digital currencies will be essential to ensure widespread acceptance and informed participation.


The collaboration between the RBI, SEBI, and other government bodies marks a significant development in India’s approach to cryptocurrency regulation. The forthcoming discussion paper in the third quarter of 2024 is expected to provide a comprehensive framework that balances innovation, security, and consumer protection.

As India moves towards a more defined crypto policy, the potential benefits for the economy, investors, and the broader financial system are substantial. This collaborative effort could position India as a leading player in the global digital currency landscape, fostering growth and innovation while ensuring robust regulatory oversight.