Trump’s New Crypto Venture Could Spark Conflicts if He’s Re-Elected President

Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s potential return to the White House could lead to significant conflicts of interest, especially considering his recent involvement in the cryptocurrency space. Despite his past vocal opposition to digital assets, Trump has launched a new crypto-related business venture, raising concerns that this move could create conflicts if he is re-elected as president.

During his time in office, Trump was no fan of cryptocurrency, making his stance clear through a series of tweets in 2019. At the time, he criticized digital assets as a threat to financial stability, tweeting that “Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior.” Yet, the launch of his new crypto business, which appears to signal a shift in his views, has opened up questions about how his policies might change if he were to take the presidency again in 2024.

Trump’s Criticism of Cryptocurrency: A U-Turn?

In 2019, Trump’s views on cryptocurrency were aligned with those of many traditional financial regulators. He expressed concerns that digital currencies like Bitcoin and other unregulated crypto assets could potentially be used to facilitate illegal activities such as money laundering, drug trafficking, and other forms of financial crime. He called for greater oversight and regulation to prevent cryptocurrencies from destabilizing the financial system.

At the time, Trump’s position resonated with a number of policymakers who were cautious about the rapid rise of crypto and its potential risks. His Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, was also vocal about the need to regulate cryptocurrency markets to ensure they couldn’t be used for illicit purposes. This anti-crypto stance was consistent throughout Trump’s presidency, as the administration sought to maintain strict oversight of financial markets.

Fast forward to today, and Trump’s apparent shift toward embracing the cryptocurrency sector has raised eyebrows. His new business venture, details of which remain somewhat vague, is rumored to involve launching or promoting a cryptocurrency or blockchain project. This sudden change in stance has led many to question what has driven Trump’s newfound interest in the digital asset world.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

If Trump were to be re-elected as president while simultaneously having a stake in a crypto-related business, this could create a significant conflict of interest. As president, Trump would have considerable influence over regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), both of which play key roles in shaping the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S.

For instance, any regulatory decisions or executive actions Trump might take regarding cryptocurrency during a potential second term could raise questions about impartiality. Would the president’s decisions on crypto policy be influenced by his personal financial interests in the sector? Could Trump be swayed by market conditions that impact his crypto business?

Such concerns are not without precedent. During his first term, Trump faced criticism for potential conflicts of interest related to his vast business empire, including the operation of his hotels and golf courses. While Trump placed his businesses in a trust run by his sons, many ethics experts argued that this arrangement did not adequately separate his personal financial interests from his duties as president.

Changing Political Landscape on Cryptocurrency

If Trump does pursue a second presidential term, his stance on cryptocurrency could shift significantly from his 2019 position. The U.S. political landscape regarding cryptocurrency has evolved rapidly in recent years, with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle recognizing the importance of regulating the crypto market while also supporting innovation in blockchain technology.

President Joe Biden’s administration has already made moves toward more comprehensive crypto regulation, with an executive order outlining plans to study digital currencies and establish clearer regulatory frameworks. Some Republican lawmakers, including Trump allies, have voiced their support for cryptocurrency, advocating for policies that encourage innovation in the space while ensuring proper oversight.

Should Trump adopt a more pro-crypto stance, it could further polarize the debate within U.S. politics. His involvement in the sector as both a businessman and politician might lead to a more aggressive push for favorable regulations, but it could also trigger deeper scrutiny from his political opponents and regulatory bodies.

Implications for U.S. Crypto Policy

Trump’s involvement in the cryptocurrency sector could have far-reaching implications for U.S. crypto policy. If he were re-elected, his administration could prioritize policies that favor crypto innovation while possibly rolling back some of the stricter regulations put in place by the Biden administration.

At the same time, Trump’s previous criticisms of unregulated digital assets raise questions about how his views have changed, if at all, on issues like financial stability and the use of cryptocurrencies in illegal activities. Whether his new business venture represents a genuine change of heart or a financial opportunity remains to be seen, but the potential for conflicts of interest will likely be a topic of heated discussion.


Donald Trump’s new crypto business venture has sparked fresh concerns about conflicts of interest, especially if he were to be re-elected as president. His previous criticisms of cryptocurrency, paired with his current involvement in the sector, present a complex scenario for U.S. crypto policy and regulation. As the former president explores the world of digital assets, questions will arise about how his personal interests could influence his policies and the broader regulatory landscape in a potential second term.

For now, Trump’s next moves in both business and politics remain uncertain, but the potential for controversy looms as he navigates the evolving world of cryptocurrency.