

I’m a Crypto author and Blockchain enthusiast. I have been writing about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Cryptocurrencies for over 5 years. My work has been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CoinDesk, and VentureBeat. I’m also a regular speaker at Blockchain conferences around the world.

Foundry Digital Steps Up As Whale Sponsor For Mining Disrupt 2023, Accelerating Decentralized Financial Future

MIAMI, FL, June 26, 2023 – The leading provider of institutional-grade digital asset services, Foundry Digital, is stepping up as a Whale Sponsor for the prestigious Mining Disrupt® 2023. This annual conference, being held from July 25-27 in Miami, brings together the leading minds and innovators from the blockchain and digital mining industries.  Foundry Digital is at the forefront of empowering institutions with the tools needed to mine and stake digital assets, thus driving the cryptocurrency industry forward. Their expansive services cover a broad spectrum, including comprehensive mining solutions, best-in-class staking infrastructure rooted in scalability and security, and a commitment to sharing the value of decentralization through people, programs, and policy. With an impressive track record, Foundry Digital proudly runs the #1 Bitcoin mining pool in the world and delivers ten end-to-end mining services designed for miner success. In addition, their infrastructure for Ethereum staking is 100% based on bare metal, contributing to a high degree of reliability and performance. Foundry Digital is dedicated to positive societal impacts as well. They have spent a year impacting the Rochester community through their Mining Engineer Fellowship, and about 71% of their hashrate comes from ESG-positive energy sources, illustrating their commitment to environmental sustainability. At Foundry Digital, institutional expertise, capital, industry relationships, and market intelligence are leveraged to empower participants within the crypto ecosystem. Their focus is on meeting the demand for better capital access, efficiency, and transparency in the digital asset industry. About Foundry Digital: Foundry Digital is a leading company specializing in decentralized financial infrastructure. By providing institutions with sophisticated mining and staking tools, they are driving the digital asset industry forward. Their services range from full-scale mining solutions to top-tier staking infrastructure and impactful community programs. As a part of the Digital Currency Group, Foundry brings unparalleled institutional expertise, capital, and market intelligence to the digital asset space.  Source: Mining Disrupt Press (  Media Contact: Website:  LinkedIn:  Twitter:   

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Exclusive Forum for DLT, Blockchain and Crypto leaders and investors at Crypto Gibraltar 2023

Crypto Gibraltar 2023 ( will be a very unique event. The true value of any corporate event is the platform it offers to build new relationships and cement existing ones. That doesn’t happen when sitting in an audience. It happens when there are opportunities to discuss and debate, either one-on-one or in managed groups. Crypto Gibraltar will offer exactly that with a range of social events and round-table discussions where leaders and investors in the DLT, blockchain and crypto communities can come together, learn from the experiences of others and create new conversations. It even includes a golf tournament – The Crypto Gibraltar Golf Masters – on Saturday 21st October and there will be plenty of alternative activities for non-golfers. Taking place at the 5* Sunborn Yacht Hotel in mediterranean Gibraltar from 19th to 20th October 2023, the invitation-only event has already attracted an impressive array of participants including: Dr Lisa Cameron, Chairperson of the UKCrypto and Digital Assets All Party Parliamentary Group Albert Isola MP, Minister for Digital and Financial Services at HM Government of Gibraltar Thomas Restout, CEO EMEA at B2C2 Dima Kats, CEO at Clear Junction  Haydn Jones, Global Blockchain Lead at Kroll  Sam Buxton, CEO at Paul Sisnett, C.E.O./ Co-Founder @ and Steering Committee Member on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on CBDC’s. Morten Juul, Founder Walker Labs Mel Tsiaprazis, CGO TradeblockBrendan Beeken FInstSMM,Founder and Chairman of Moni Talks Cryptocurrency Exchange and Social Platform. Pierre Samaties, Partner Roland Berger Gordon Einstein, Founder CryptoLaw Numbers will be limited so if you are interested in attending and would like an invitation then please complete the form at or send an email to The main event sponsor is Damex (, who offer the ultimate digital asset management experience to people in both their business and personal lives. Kazbaa is an events and marketing company operating a portfolio of international technology events.

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Understanding the Complexities of Web3 Security in H1 2023

Beyond the Hacks: Understanding the Complexities of Web3 Security in H1 2023

QuillAudits, a leading Web3 security firm, is delighted to announce the release of its much-awaited quarterly report, “The State of Web3 Security (Q1 + Q2 2023).” This exhaustive report provides a meticulous examination of the dynamic realm of Web3 security, offering invaluable insights into contemporary trends, pressing challenges, and practical solutions that are redefining the industry. The report initiates with a succinct summary, underlining the principal findings and implications drawn from the analysis. The first half of 2023 witnessed an alarming 351 hacks, amassing a total loss of $605M. This figure underscores the immediate need for robust security systems within the Web3 framework. The report identified smart contract vulnerabilities and rug pulls as the leading exploits, responsible for 36 and 39 hacks, respectively. The report accentuates the necessity to mitigate such vulnerabilities to safeguard digital assets by delving into the roots and financial repercussions of these incidents. A standout case study analyzed in the report is the $200M Euler Finance Attack. The report meticulously examines the intricacies of the exploit, enabling readers to gain an all-around understanding of the attack mechanisms and key takeaways. In a similar vein, the report probes into other significant incidents, such as the $127M Canine Cryptocurrency Scam, the $120M BonqDAO Oracle Hack, and the $100M Atomic Wallet Hack, providing potent insights into the labyrinthine aspects of Web3 security. The report dedicates a comprehensive section to DAO hacks, scrutinizing their origins, implications, and the invaluable lessons these incidents offer. With the burgeoning popularity of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), comprehending the vulnerabilities they confront is essential to augment security measures and abate risks. Eyeing the future, the report elucidates the nascent security trends and forecasts in the Web3 ecosystem. By scrutinizing the current threat landscape and industry progressions, readers acquire indispensable foresight into the evolving realm of Web3 security. These insights serve as a guide for individuals and organizations to modify their security strategies, thereby preempting potential threats. Being a principal actor in the Web3 security domain, QuillAudits remains unwavering in its commitment to securing Web3 and blockchain ventures. The report underscores the introduction of QuillCheck, a state-of-the-art Web3 due diligence tool, offering users the assurance they seek while navigating the rapidly mutating Web3 environment. Additionally, the report highlights Quill Red Team, an elite group of security mavens revolutionizing Web3 security through their unique methodologies and techniques. Their endeavors contribute significantly to the ongoing advancements in Web3 security, assuring that digital assets remain safeguarded against an ever-evolving threat landscape. In conclusion, QuillAudit’s “State of Web3 Security (Q1 + Q2 2023)” report is a comprehensive resource for individuals and organizations aspiring to comprehend the evolving challenges and solutions in the Web3 security landscape. By illuminating the latest trends, case studies, and future projections, the report empowers readers to bolster their defenses and navigate the Web3 ecosystem with assurance. To access the complete report, visit Stay informed, stay secure, and join us in crafting a resilient Web3 future. About QuillAudits: QuillAudits is a pioneer in providing Web3 security solutions, specializing in smart contract audits, security evaluations, and cutting-edge tools to safeguard digital assets in the decentralized sphere. Backed by a team of proficient experts and a commitment to industry-leading practices, QuillAudits is charting the course in securing the future of Web3.

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Blockchain Expo Europe: Agenda Delivers Beyond Expectations

Blockchain Expo is returning to Amsterdam and is set to take place on 26-27 September at RAI. This year’s edition promises to be a groundbreaking experience, with a thought-provoking agenda that delves into the Blockchain & Web3 Ecosystem. The event will feature a series of selected presentations and panel discussions, offering attendees a unique opportunity to gain insights from industry experts and thought leaders. Blockchain Expo Europe agenda boasts an impressive lineup of topics that reflect the most pressing issues and innovations shaping the tech landscape. Attendees will be treated to a series of captivating sessions, including: And much more! Speakers represent such exciting companies as: Mastercard, PepsiCo, AXA, Vodafone and many more, with over 150 speakers expected to attend the event! In addition to the captivating presentations and thought-provoking discussions, the Blockchain Expo will offer attendees an abundance of networking opportunities to connect with industry professionals and forge valuable partnerships. The event will feature a VIP Networking Party, where guests will have the chance to mingle with influential figures and in engage meaningful conversations. Moreover, the expo floor will be brimming with over 200 companies, each showcasing their latest technological advancements and innovative solutions. This vibrant ecosystem of exhibitors will provide attendees with firsthand access to groundbreaking products and services, fostering collaboration and inspiring new possibilities. The Blockchain Expo is truly a convergence of knowledge, networking, and exploration, making it an unmissable event for anyone passionate about connecting the Blockchain & Web3 Ecosystem. Tickets are now available for purchase on the event website: Early registration is encouraged, with a 25% discount available until the end of July. About Blockchain ExpoBlockchain Expo is an annual event that brings together technology enthusiasts, industry professionals, and thought leaders to explore the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in the world of Blockchain. With a carefully curated agenda and a diverse range of speakers, the Blockchain Expo provides a unique platform for networking, learning, and collaboration. For more information, visit

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Exclusive Free Mints for Apeiron – Epic Games Store’s Hottest New Play-To-Earn Game

Apeiron, the world’s first NFT roguelite x god game, which raised over $17m at the close of its seed round, has just launched their Season 2 Battle Demo on the Epic Games Store, coming with exclusive free mint opportunities. Originally marketed as the next generation of god games, the current gameplay is an addictive mashup of genres like MOBA, card game, and autobattler. In Apeiron’s season 2 demo, players fight through procedurally generated dungeons as Avatars – towering divine elemental constructs – leading a team of heroic Dood Apostles. The Avatar is directly controlled by the player, but the Apostles will attack and move on their own, like a blend of MOBA and autobattler. Throughout battle, players will draw from a deck of shuffled skill cards for their Apostles and Avatar. Using your randomly drawn skill cards at the opportune time differentiates the good players from the great – in particular using one of your powerful Avatar skill cards at just the right moment makes you feel like a god. The season 2 demo will come with a limited-time free mint. To get access, interested players can register for a free account on the official Apeiron marketplace. Players will be able to get free mint chances simply by playing, or by spending time at the official Apeiron Discord server. Each player can claim up to 2 free mints, and at the end of the season, can mint out their very own Apostle NFT to keep. For competitive gamers, the seasonal leaderboards include $12,000 USDC in cash prizes and 35+ ETH worth of NFT rewards. The live streamed Guild Wars Preliminary tournament will be held in late July 2023. 

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I Edición de la Crypto Week Madrid Summit 2023

El evento contaráconlos principalesexpertose influencersmundiales en Blockchain,Crypto, Web3 e Inversión,provenientes de Dubai, EE.UU., Canadá, Latam, UK, Suizaentre otro. Se llevará a cabo el reconocimiento al talento a través de los Awards de Crypto Week, iniciativa anual de carácter internacional que honra la excelenciay emprendimiento. 12.000 Asistentes, +180 Speakers, +200 Partners, +200 Candidatos a los Awards. Madrid 12 de junio de 2023.Madridse convertirá en la capital mundialdel ecosistema Crypto y Fintech conla celebración de la I Edición de laCrypto Week Madrid Summit. Setrata del mayor eventode lasnuevas finanzasque tendrá lugar elpróximo 7 y 8 de julio, en la Nave deMadrid Además de tener un fuerte componente de actualidaden torno a cuatro dimensiones de negocioy sus respectivas temáticas de especialización:“Blockchain, Crypto, Web3 e Inversión”,elobjetivo es potenciar la formación, el networking y que España se convierta en un hubfinancieropor excelencia de referencia en el mundo. El Summit contará conmás de 12.000 asistentes (influencers,inversores, emprendedores yprofesionales multidisciplinares que ven el potencial de crecimiento del ecosistema Cryptoy sucontribución a la economía real).Estará abierto al público institucional y retail.También contarácon un Startup Pitch en la que hasta 25 startups presentarán su proyecto ante potenciales inversores. David Aranzabal, fundador y CEO de Crypto Week,destaca que “El nuevo ecosistema Crypto yFinTech, está revolucionando la industria financiera y empresarial en la última décaday,configura las finanzas del futuro.La Crypto Week Madrid Summit, busca fomentar desde lainnovación y el espíritu emprendedor un espacio para presentar ideas disruptivas y solucionestecnológicas. La interacciónentre distintosactores de la industria y el acceso a inversores puedenayudar a impulsar proyectos novedosos, fomentar la colaboración y catalizar el desarrollo denuevas tecnologías en el ámbito financiero” Razones para no perderse esta citae Crypto Week Summit contará conun panel de180speakersde reconocimiento mundial,entre ellos Sanket Bhatia, CEO y fundador de ProDecipher, speaker en el WorldEconomic Forum en Davos, Ian Halperdin, #1 NY Times bestselling del libro“CryptoBoy”, Pablo Gil, economista, trader y una de las voces más expertas, respetadas yseguidas en español sobre economía y los mercados financieros, RobertMachedo, director ejecutivo para EMEA en Circle, una empresa global de tecnología financiera queayuda a mover el dinero a la velocidad de Internety promotor de la stablecoin USDC, Alfonso Gómez, CEO de BBVA Suiza, Franceso Andreoli,responsable de desarrollo enConsensys (Wallet Metamask) y Javier Vicente Gonzalez, director de desarrollo delEcosistema en Casper, proyecto naciente de blockchain de Ethereum. Los principales desafíos se encuentran en la regulación y más en el lado de la adopción. Por ello, la Crypto Week tiene como hito que los profesionales puedan interactuar en elentorno de las nuevas finanzas.Asistimos a la revolución de las FinanzasDescentralizadas, a la aplicación de Blockchain en la generación de nuevos negocios, ala tokenización de la economía, a la descentralización más allá del dinero, en resumen,vivimos la edad de oro de la innovacióncon la evolución de Internet y el universo Bitcoin.Todos los activos del mundo estarán tokenizados. Hablamos de una industria que para2030 se espera crezca en más de 16 trillones de dólares frente a los no más de 600billones que tenemos hoy. Los ingresos generados por las Fintech se multiplicarán por seis y crecerán de 245.000millones hasta alcanzar 1,5 billones de dólares en 2030. Este sectorrepresentaactualmente un 2% del total de los ingresos mundiales por servicios financieros (12,5billones dedólares). Boston Consulting Group (BCG)yQED Investors, prevén quecrecerá hasta el 7%.Además,se estima que en esa fecha constituirán casi el 25% de lasvaloraciones bancarias en el mundo.(Informe Global Fintech 2023: Reimagining theFuture of Finance). ¿Por qué Madrid?En España operan 977 Fintech,el país está en la tercera posiciónenEuropapor detrás de Reino Unido (2.439) y Alemania (978), según la firmaFinnovating.Entérminos de madurez, España cuenta con 21 Fintech por cada millón de habitantes. En cuanto al tamaño de las empresas en función del fundraising, España ocupa el cuartolugaren Europa, detrás del Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania y Suecia. Formación de la mano de los mejores expertos. Serán más de 50horas de contenidoformativo enespañol, con traducción simultánea ynetworking en el que los asistentespodrán participar en mesas redondas y charlas de diferentes temáticascomoel marcoregulatorio de las Blockchain, las DeFi y el Staking en las Crypto,elmetaversoy elGamingylainversión a largo plazo.También premiarán el esfuerzo y el talentoemprendedor de la mano de un jurado selecto. La transformación que la tecnología digital está produciendo en los modelos de negociofinancieros es imparable. Existe una novedosa y amplia oferta laboral que aúna laevolución de la industria financiera y el nuevo entorno digital y tecnológico. Por tanto,la necesidad actual de nuevo talento implica reeducar a los profesionales actuales y dar entrada a otros conestos conocimientos nuevos, incluso con el denominado reskilling,es decir, reciclarse y adaptarse a un nuevo puesto de trabajo en la misma empresaactual. Consulta la agenday speakers Descarga el media kit en Dirección de Comunicación & PR: Cristina Murgas, directora de Comunicación Área Financiera e Institucional / Tel. 638 57 29 61 Tatiana Böhm, Ejecutiva de cuentas- Telf. 689 34 14 34

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How Bitcenter is making strides in the world of Web 3.0!

Bitcenter has played an important role in promoting the development of Web 3.0. As a $6 billion investment-backed exchange, Bitcenter is focused on driving the growth of cryptocurrencies by providing funding and incubation opportunities for quality projects. By introducing dozens of cryptocurrencies and launching comprehensive services such as Prime, Primepool and Primelist, Bitcenter continues to empower users and drive the development of Web3.0. At the heart of Web 3.0 are cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and smart contracts. As an open and decentralized economic system, cryptocurrencies underpin Web3.0. Bitcenter actively embraces cryptocurrencies and has successfully listed a variety of digital assets on its platform. In addition, Bitcenter uses the latest mathematical models and AI technology to develop quantitative strategies by sifting through data for multiple “high probability” events to achieve stable and consistent returns through quantitative trading. The current unstable economic and political environment has created fear, uncertainty and doubt in the minds of investors. The polarized worldview is not only overt in the mainstream media, but also shared on social networks, potentially sowing discord in the community; but the advent of Web 3.0 promises to alleviate this negativity, signaling hope for a brighter future. After more than a decade of development, Web 3.0 has made good progress. Cutting-edge technologies, new application scenarios, disruptive organizational models, and, most importantly, unprecedented freedom for users worldwide are now in place, setting the stage for a world we’ve never seen before. Talent: Talent is the key to Web 3.0 success, and the cryptocurrency industry is full of potential. Many of the founders of leading cryptocurrency products were born almost exclusively after 1990 – VitalikButerin, the founder of Ether, is 27, Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, is 29, and Devin Finzer and Alex Atallah, the founders of OpenSea, are 31 and 29 years old, respectively. The cryptocurrency industry is also experiencing an influx of passionate and talented young people. Funding: The cryptocurrency industry has caught the attention of many large venture capital firms and funds that are backing promising projects with funding. In addition to specialized blockchain capital institutions such as Digital Currency Group (DCG), Paradigm and Alameda Research, companies such as Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital and Animoca Brands have invested in the cryptocurrency industry. bitcenter is well aware that funding is conducive to the incubation and success of Web 3.0 projects. Despite the current bearish market conditions, Bitcenter’s investment team has backed promising blockchain projects worldwide to the tune of $6 billion. Time: Bitcoin was born in 2009. After more than a decade of development, people have come to accept blockchain and are looking ahead to the Web 3.0 era. Definitions of what Web 3.0 is vary. Web 3.0 covers a wide range of areas, including digital currencies, smart contracts, blockchain technology, hardware infrastructure (VR, AR, storage, sensors, etc.), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Decentralized Financial services ( DeFi), Metaverse, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), and more. Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency is the essence of Web3.0. With digital currencies, Web3 has its own economic system. As a nine-year-old digital currency exchange, Bitcenter has been actively embracing Web3.0 – dozens of cryptocurrencies, such as Decentraland (Mana) and Filecoin, have been successfully listed on Bitcenter. At the same time, Bitcenter launched Prime and successively launched Primepool and Primelist products, forming a comprehensive set of services to meet the needs of all users. Bitcenter is committed to selecting high-quality assets, continuously empowering users and promoting the development of Web3.0. Blockchain and Smart Contracts: Blockchain and smart contracts form the essential foundation of Web 3.0. All activities in the cryptocurrency industry are built on blockchains and smart contracts. Bitcenter is actively involved in the construction and development of public chains and last month consolidated its position as a major investor in the Cube Network, a high-performance modular public chain. DAO: Focused on giving a voice to the community, DAO is an organizational form of Web3 society that promises to unite people in the community by granting them the right to vote and decide the future of the project. DeFi: DeFi provides ample liquidity to the Web3 world and provides incentives and income to those who participate in it; Bitcenter has established a startup division to focus on DeFi research and development (not yet live in beta); at the same time, Bitcenter Research Institute has also conducted in-depth research on DeFi and its related lending protocols. AI Quantitative: Quantitative trading replaces human subjective judgment with advanced mathematical models, using computer technology to select multiple “high probability” events from huge historical data that can bring excess returns in order to develop strategies, reduce the impact of investor sentiment fluctuations, and avoid making irrational investment decisions in extremely wild or pessimistic market conditions. investment decisions. Quantitative trading has two major functions: one is the investment function; the other is the platform function. Quantitative trading is in the background of the era of Internet + big data + cloud computing + artificial intelligence. The U.S. quantitative trading has gone through more than 30 years of development, from the scale of trading, the U.S. has a large number of strong hedge funds, but the application of crypto-quantitative trading market also has many risks, and the best choice for the market is the risk control superiority. Decentralized storage: A truly decentralized Internet also requires permissionless and censorship-resistant storage systems and hardware IoT networks to support its computation and dissemination. Unlike products like BitTorrent, which can only host specified content on local servers, the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) provides a new distributed system dedicated to file storage, allowing any node to store data. At the same time, the industry is seeing the rise of “distributed storage aggregators” like Filebase and Pinata, which provide the interfaces, optimizations and service layers needed to deliver custom storage solutions to customers. Web 3.0 infrastructure has come a long way in recent times and Bitcenter is constantly looking for ways to support innovation in the Web 3.0 space. The future is full of opportunity and companies venturing into the space will pave the way…

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Mhaya, Kucoin Community Chain, and MojitoSwap Reach Partnership to Launch Joint Airdrop

Mhaya, KuCoin Community Chain, and MojitoSwap Launch Joint Trillions NFT Airdrop

On June 19th, Mhaya, KuCoin Community Chain, and MojitoSwap Marketplace announced a joint airdrop program to reward communities with 5000 NFTs. The Airdrop is announced via their Twitter handles and is worth of total value of 245,000 USDT with a utility of yield up to 919%. About Mhaya Game Mhaya is a Free-to-earn NFT-based Game derived from the classic board game, Monopoly. During Mhaya’s Alpha testing, it has launched serial of rewarding programs including Prize Quiz and Trillion NFT Giveaways Program, and has already reached multiple partnerships with Mises, MGG, Good Game Guilds, Debox, and 66+ other ecosystems and guilds. Join Mhaya Twitter for more info about Airdrop About KuCoin Community Chain KCC is a public chain project initiated and built by the developer community of KCS and KuCoin, aiming to solve the network latency and high gas fees of Ethereum. KCC is an EVM-compatible blockchain and is striving to provide community users and developers with a higher-speed, more convenient, and lower-cost blockchain experience. Visit KCC Webiste About MojitoSwap MojitoSwap is currently the TOP1 DEX running on KCC with the automated market maker mechanism. It provides all-in-one solutions for on-chain assets with swaps, farms, pools, launchpads, NFTs, and other functions. MojitoSwap aims to provide users with an efficient and low-cost token exchange. At the same time, users can get their tokens value-added while using MojitoSwap. The platform also provides a safe, easy-to-use, high-liquidity, and basic decentralized finance protocol for KCC developers.

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Acara Announces Launch of Liquidity Mining Reward Program, Potentially Sparking Industry Innovation Wave.

Acara’s two events, “Crypto Crazy Night” and “Crypto Connection Night,” held in the Asia-Pacific region, have sparked wide attention and discussion within the industry. These events attracted numerous participants from Tokyo and Seoul, and delivered an exciting announcement: Acara is set to launch a liquidity mining rewards program globally after its IDO. This news has ignited industry-wide anticipation and interest in Acara’s future development. As an emerging cryptocurrency project, Acara has garnered attention in the industry for its unique technology and innovative solutions. By participating in two significant events in the Asia-Pacific region, Acara has further solidified its position in the cryptocurrency space. According to reports, Acara plans to introduce a liquidity mining rewards program after its IDO. This program aims to incentivize users to provide liquidity and receive corresponding rewards. Liquidity mining is a common cryptocurrency reward mechanism where users contribute funds to support the liquidity of a project and earn token rewards in return. Acara’s liquidity mining rewards program will be launched globally, providing users with more opportunities to participate and support the project. This initiative aims to enhance the project’s liquidity and attract more users to get involved. By incentivizing liquidity provision, Acara will further strengthen its position in the market and foster the development of its ecosystem. Acara’s presence has injected new vitality and innovation into the cryptocurrency space. The upcoming liquidity mining rewards program is undoubtedly a strong motivator for user engagement, laying a solid foundation for its future development. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact of Acara’s global launch of this program and expect to witness its greater success and influence in the cryptocurrency industry. As important observers within the industry, we will continue to monitor Acara’s progress and bring our readers the latest news and analysis. Stay tuned for the launch of the Acara liquidity mining rewards program and the exciting chapters that lie ahead for this project!

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PETGPT Launches Closed Beta on Arbitrum Testnet

Singapore-Recently, PETGPT, a pet companion app, initiated a closed beta on the Arbitrum Testnet. Apart from the vivid and adorable cat designs, the breakthroughs made in the product’s mechanics have the potential to bring a new paradigm to AI+Web3. NFT+SBT Dual Model: Bringing Vitalik Buterin’s SBT Concept from Ideal to Reality In the past, blockchain games used NFTs as the entry barrier, requiring users to purchase NFTs to participate in the gaming system and earn token rewards. Axie and StepN are examples of this model, which had the advantage of creating a rapid wealth effect through NFT price speculation, leading to a short-term surge in product popularity. However, this approach had its drawbacks: the speculative NFT prices raised the entry barrier for subsequent players, and the disruption of capital flow made it difficult for the entire economic system to sustain. PETGPT creatively adopts the NFT+SBT dual model, where NFTs are freely minted and can be traded on secondary markets. The core utility of NFT ownership is the ability to hatch SBTs (which are used for game nurturing, with NFT hatching being the only means of SBT production), and for each hatched SBT, NFT holders receive 30% of the Mint income, making NFT equivalent to a perpetual earning machine. For example, assuming the cost of hatching an SBT is 0.05 ETH, if CZ currently holds an NFT, whenever a player uses CZ’s NFT for hatching, 0.015 ETH will automatically be transferred to CZ’s address via a smart contract. The Genesis Cat NFT Additionally, this model has the advantage that SBTs cannot be traded on secondary markets, meaning all players have the same entry barrier, and the amount of income they earn within the game depends on their performance. Furthermore, the team uses this model to convey a value proposition: pets, whether in the real world or the virtual world, are our family members, and not abandoning them is the utmost respect we can show. The Pet cat SBT Say Goodbye to P2E Economic Mechanism: Incentives Directed to Outstanding Players Economically, PETGPT has opted to lean towards traditional gaming, abandoning the conventional P2E (Play-to-Earn) model commonly found in GameFi. The P2E model relies on continuous token inflation to incentivize participants, whether through a single token or dual tokens, but it fails to completely solve the problem of massive token dumping in the game. Additionally, traditional blockchain games, aside from NFT and token sales, often have weak business models, unable to generate revenue through product mechanisms, which is a key reason for a flash in the pan. PETGPT follows the economic philosophy of traditional games in its design, as it has been tested and proven numerous times: Taking product playability as the starting point, designing monetization points based on this foundation, making the product itself revenue-generating, and allocate a portion of the income to incentivize players with exceptional performance. This approach is somewhat reminiscent of the enduringly popular turn-based online game “Fantasy Westward Journey,” which has been thriving for nearly 20 years. Furthermore, as indicated in the whitepaper, the platform has plans for token issuance, with 20% dedicated to ecosystem incentives and 2% allocated for airdrops to players. GPT-4 may be ensures a solid foundational experience and quick deployment, but small models are the crux and core of PETGPT. AI’s impact on games is multifaceted: except deploying large-scale intelligent NPCs, emergent narrative generation, to intelligent mission/level design, the most significant impact lies in endowing virtual characters within games with souls, achieving a thousand faces for a thousand players. Currently, PETGPT is built on OpenAI’s GPT, which ensures a solid foundational experience and quick deployment. Each player, while conversing with their own cat, is also training it. However, since GPT is a large-scale model designed as an all-knowing superbrain, in the vertical domain of pet companionship, it is more suitable for domain experts in the specific vertical field-small model. It is understood that the PETGPT team is already preparing for the development of small models, accumulating massive amounts of data gradually, training a large and powerful model using OpenAI, and using that model to optimize the small model. This optimization compression technique involves knowledge distillation and model pruning, allowing the small model to maintain fast inference speed while achieving comparable or similar results to the large model. One can envision a future day where a variety of independent and uncontrolled small cats exist on the blockchain, free-spirited and serving as embodiments and interactive entities for humans to roam the Metaverse. This is precisely PETGPT’s ultimate vision: to restore freedom to players. Contact:Jugg Lee Website: Country:Singapore

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Tribalisland GameFi tokens officially listed on Pancake Swap on June 14

Location, June 13th, 2023 — The revolutionary blockchain-based gaming platform, announced that its tokens $TIT, $TIC went list on Pancake Swap on June 14 at 2:30 pm (SGT). is a blockchain technology based Web3 game that is unique in the gaming market. This token launch is expected to add another exciting chapter to its evolving story. is pushing the boundaries of decentralized gaming by implementing a novel double encryption economic model. This pioneering approach offers players the chance to earn abundant rewards from their in-game activities. Each game’s behavior can benefit the players, from building and breeding monsters to forming groups and trading. showcases Heroes and Monsters, elements that offer layers of complexity and excitement to the gameplay. Furthermore, the platform implements a dual-token mechanism, combining $TIT+$TIC, which establishes a stable asset and liquidity structure while enhancing the ecological value of the game’s universe. The upcoming live Pancake Swap event is more than just a milestone in the platform’s roadmap. It symbolizes the commitment of to innovate and constantly foster a thriving and interactive gaming ecosystem. Giampiero Lapeschi, CEO of, said, “The platform is set to revolutionize the play-to-earn sector by offering a unique, engaging gaming experience that also gives players the potential to earn. We are eagerly looking forward to our community’s active participation in our games.” Personalization is central to the experience, Social interaction is emphasized in Tribalisland 3.0 stage. Players can design their own islands, make alliances with other islands, battle, grab resources,etc. The game is easily accessible to other players and is a vibrant and engaging community. Token staking forms another integral part of the experience. Players can generate returns of different values by pledging all NFT assets to LP, providing an intriguing blend of gaming and investment. In the future,  With the NFT Land feature, gamers can become landlords within the game universe, using their land for various activities like growing crops, raising monsters, mining, and collecting resources. Other captivating features of include the NFT collection, PVP and PVE battles, the World Main House, SOCIAL DAO, and a unique lottery mechanism. Players can collect monsters and various items on the Tribal Island, show their collection to friends, and engage in thrilling battles for great rewards. Holding $TIT tokens allows participation in community governance, emphasizing the democratic ethos that Tribal Island belongs to the entire community. As part of its ongoing commitment to enriching the gaming experience, is focusing on several key developments. The next phase includes PVP gameplay design enhancements, the unveiling of new NFT character original painting designs, the introduction of initial proposals for tribe social gameplay, and the development of more trading scenarios.  These updates lay the foundation for the next phase of gameplay.’s continuous optimization provides the support needed to create a truly sustainable gaming platform for its players, reaffirming the game’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the rapidly growing field of blockchain-based gaming. This major event symbolizes the continuous growth and development of the ecosystem. The team extends its warm invitation to all to become part of this innovative gaming revolution. To learn more about the live Pancake Swap token launch, the latest updates, and further information about the game, visit  About is a blockchain-based gaming platform that combines gaming, social networking, and blockchain technology, offering players a unique, dynamic, and interactive experience. With a strong emphasis on user participation and community development, continues to push the boundaries of blockchain gaming. Project info:: Website: Twitter: telegram:

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PoPP Beta Test Competition, $1 million worth of NFTs for grabs

PoPP Beta Test Competition, $1 million worth of NFTs for grabs

Hong Kong start-up DEME POPP LIMITED officially announced that the public testing version of its PoPP application is now available on the App Store, and that global public testing will commence on June 13, 2023. POPP LIMITED, a Web3 startup with a “co-creation, co-building, and co-wealth” value proposition, seeks to establish itself in Hong Kong and collaborate with creators worldwide to establish a Web3 community rooted in the creator economy. The mission is to become the most effective Web3 community management utility for developers. Integrated Creator Community Management Tool  PoPP draws from the prior experience of social products and is committed resolving their deficiencies in user experience, content storage, social scale, and hosting capacity, thereby creating a more private and easily managed integrated community. PoPP is a Web3 social application that aims to establish a global community of creators rooted in the creator economy. They endeavor to develop an extra private and manageable society. The forthcoming group section will support the integration of Web3 and AI tools for community management and provide an online network of up to thousands of people for creators. In addition, they offer the NFT issuance feature for creators to identify loyal users and personalize NFTs as proof of community privileges.  A comprehensive platform for content curation PoPP utilizes the protocol layer product Netus3 and will also serve as a “comprehensive content precipitation program” to assist creators keep their creative content as programmable NFTs on the one-click chain, resolving the integration, storage, and revenue generation pain points of creators’ content in multiple ways. According to the PoPP revenue model, content contributors and followers will own entirely of the creators’ content revenue. Followers are able to share financial revenue with content contributors, facilitating a virtuous cycle of content creation, content precipitation, and content revenue. Participate in the PoPP Public Testing and share in the $1 million prize pool PoPP is conducting the primary beta test for two product modules: “Group Chat” and “Official Planet”. As a SocialFi product that is still in development, PoPP encourages every creator to take part in the beta testnet, provide feedback, and collaborate with PoPP to develop the product. During public testing, PoPP will initiate the “Ten Million Program” in an effort to cultivate influential figures.  Users who  generate a planet successfully are able to invite followers to join. As a reward, the user with the most followers will receive a voucher as NFT for an airdrop worth $1,500. The second to tenth-placed users with the highest number of followers will share a $2,700 airdrop voucher. Users ranked 11th through 100th with the highest number of followers can share the bonus fund for a $100,000 airdrop voucher. In addition, users within the top 100 will receive a PoPP Utility NFT, with the top user receiving three PoPP Utility NFTs. Details for the “Ten Million Program” event can be found on the website of PoPP. PoPP Download Link: iOS App Store PoPP Official Website: In June, the “PoPP Explorer Series” NFT will be launched on OpenSea, OKX, and Bitkeep. As the first Utility NFTs for PoPP, they confer a variety of privileges, including pool profits and platform access. Join us ! Contact us Twitter | Telegamr | Medium | Website Business Partnership Stacy Hu Chief Brand Officer at PoP Planet Email:

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BNB (BNB) $ 624.10
Solana (SOL) $ 128.88
USDC (USDC) $ 1.00
Cardano (ADA) $ 0.720457
Dogecoin (DOGE) $ 0.173858
TRON (TRX) $ 0.220097
Lido Staked Ether (STETH) $ 1,934.94
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) $ 83,851.47
Pi Network (PI) $ 1.35
LEO Token (LEO) $ 9.78
Chainlink (LINK) $ 14.12
Toncoin (TON) $ 3.47
Stellar (XLM) $ 0.274319
USDS (USDS) $ 1.00
Wrapped stETH (WSTETH) $ 2,317.26
Hedera (HBAR) $ 0.192379
Avalanche (AVAX) $ 18.83
Shiba Inu (SHIB) $ 0.000013
Sui (SUI) $ 2.34
Litecoin (LTC) $ 92.87
MANTRA (OM) $ 7.00
Polkadot (DOT) $ 4.42
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) $ 337.99
Ethena USDe (USDE) $ 0.999759
WETH (WETH) $ 1,934.58
Bitget Token (BGB) $ 4.44
Binance Bridged USDT (BNB Smart Chain) (BSC-USD) $ 1.00
Hyperliquid (HYPE) $ 13.44
WhiteBIT Coin (WBT) $ 28.52
Wrapped eETH (WEETH) $ 2,055.69
Monero (XMR) $ 210.89
Uniswap (UNI) $ 6.33
sUSDS (SUSDS) $ 1.04
Aptos (APT) $ 5.37
Dai (DAI) $ 0.999845
NEAR Protocol (NEAR) $ 2.64
Pepe (PEPE) $ 0.000007
OKB (OKB) $ 50.82
Internet Computer (ICP) $ 6.01
Mantle (MNT) $ 0.817187
Ethereum Classic (ETC) $ 18.12
Ondo (ONDO) $ 0.867123
Gate (GT) $ 21.97
Tokenize Xchange (TKX) $ 33.57
Aave (AAVE) $ 176.31
Coinbase Wrapped BTC (CBBTC) $ 84,018.51
Bitcoin (BTC) $ 84,064.52
Ethereum (ETH) $ 1,936.82
Tether (USDT) $ 1.00
XRP (XRP) $ 2.35
BNB (BNB) $ 624.10
Solana (SOL) $ 128.88
USDC (USDC) $ 1.00
Cardano (ADA) $ 0.720457
Dogecoin (DOGE) $ 0.173858
TRON (TRX) $ 0.220097
Lido Staked Ether (STETH) $ 1,934.94
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) $ 83,851.47
Pi Network (PI) $ 1.35
LEO Token (LEO) $ 9.78
Chainlink (LINK) $ 14.12
Toncoin (TON) $ 3.47
Stellar (XLM) $ 0.274319
USDS (USDS) $ 1.00
Wrapped stETH (WSTETH) $ 2,317.26
Hedera (HBAR) $ 0.192379
Avalanche (AVAX) $ 18.83
Shiba Inu (SHIB) $ 0.000013
Sui (SUI) $ 2.34
Litecoin (LTC) $ 92.87
MANTRA (OM) $ 7.00
Polkadot (DOT) $ 4.42
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) $ 337.99
Ethena USDe (USDE) $ 0.999759
WETH (WETH) $ 1,934.58
Bitget Token (BGB) $ 4.44
Binance Bridged USDT (BNB Smart Chain) (BSC-USD) $ 1.00
Hyperliquid (HYPE) $ 13.44
WhiteBIT Coin (WBT) $ 28.52
Wrapped eETH (WEETH) $ 2,055.69
Monero (XMR) $ 210.89
Uniswap (UNI) $ 6.33
sUSDS (SUSDS) $ 1.04
Aptos (APT) $ 5.37
Dai (DAI) $ 0.999845
NEAR Protocol (NEAR) $ 2.64
Pepe (PEPE) $ 0.000007
OKB (OKB) $ 50.82
Internet Computer (ICP) $ 6.01
Mantle (MNT) $ 0.817187
Ethereum Classic (ETC) $ 18.12
Ondo (ONDO) $ 0.867123
Gate (GT) $ 21.97
Tokenize Xchange (TKX) $ 33.57
Aave (AAVE) $ 176.31
Coinbase Wrapped BTC (CBBTC) $ 84,018.51